One of our favorite days of the year is our Annual April Senior Luncheon where we serve up a delicious pasta lunch at the Denville Senior Center. We just love puting a smile on the faces of this beautiful population! In fact, we probably have more fun than they do! Here's a shout out to Anthony and Sons Bakery for donating the rolls, to Denville Dairy for donating the pretty ice cream cake and to Denville Pizzeria for cooking the pasta and meatballs to perfection. Mayor Tom Andes always joins us to hang out with our senior friends (and pull the lucky 50/50 ticket) and we were very happy to have Township Council President Glen Buie join us. We would be remiss if we didn't give a special shout out to Past President Joe Paci for organizing this event again this year. Thanks Joe, well done! (Click on Read More to see a few photos and take a look at the fulll album under the Photo Album tab.)
Gay Holaten, Jesus Menendez and Diane Grabowski...Let's Go!

Rotarians At Work Serving Up Pasta and Meatballs 

President Rick greets our guests.

Mayor Tom Andes draws the winning raffle ticket!