Co-Presidents Mary Radicsh and Betsy Roberts began an exciting new program this year, The Prestigious Coveted Pen Award, which we present to a very deserving individual for whatever we see fit
This past week brought us two recipients. Past President Patricia Agliata for her very enthusiastic attitude being the first Rotarian to sign-up for every possible volunteer position and making a monetary donation to our inaugural End Hunger 3.6 program. Thank you, Patricia, for a job well done and a special thank you to all who volunteered their time and muscle. Pictured with Patricia and Rick are Co-Presidents Betsy Roberts and Mary Radicsh.

Additionally, Past President Rick Rafferty was presented with this sought after award, not only for his nine years of dedication chairing our monthly blood drive, but also because we reached a wonderful milestone of collecting 6,000 units of blood. That's quite an accomplishment! Congratulations Rick!