Tuesday, September 17, 2019 was "Dictionary Day" for the Third Graders of the Denville School System. For the past 19 years, the Rotary Club of Denville and the Sunrise Rotary Club of Denville have been sponsors of The Dictionary Project. As sponsors, we purchase and give a dictionary as a gift to every third grade student at Riverview and Lakeview Schools. To date we have distributed over 4100 Dictionaries. Third grade is a time to open up language to children and improve reading and writing skills with the use of a dictionary.
Shown above is a picture from Riverview School with third graders Ben Sarama, Anne Ciaravolo, Charlie Zampiro, Mackenzie Doyle, Ava Graziano, Jake Sabel, Maria Monteiro and Matthew Titze. Kneeling in front is Past President of the Rotary Club of Denville George Hrobuchak, who leads the project for the clubs.
This picture is from Mrs. Barakat's Class at Lakeview School including Shannon Bradley, Dante DiGiovine, Anabeth Elkowitz, Michela Garland, Brenner Godfreson, Samantha King, Cassidy Kot, Kelsey Labuda, Sancia Liang, Anthony Masotti, Cora McGowan, Ariana Sainato, Ella Sevek, Abhir Shetty, Leica Sologes, Josemiguel Vargas and Muniba Zulfiqar. There were many Rotarians from the Denville Lunch and Sunrise Clubs there to support the project.