What a pleasure it was to have Dr. Steven Forte, Superintendent of Schools, join us for an afternoon meeting! Dr. Forte has served as Superintendent of Denville Township Schools since 2014 and he has much to be proud of. Our schools rank in the top 20% of NJ schools for math and reading proficiency with a student/teacher ratio of 10:1. Dr. Forte spoke about the updated curriculum, woodworking program, building improvements, the operating budget and reserve funds, maintaining faculty and staff and recruiting new hires, class three resource officers, how the district is planning for the possible increase of students as a result of the new housing developments currently under construction and those planned. This is just a sampling of Dr. Forte's discussion. If you missed this meeting, you missed a lot. Thank you Dr. Forte! (To sign up for the school newsletter email sforte@denville.org. Please click on Read More to view Denville Public Schools Fact Sheet.)