It was a very exciting day at Denville Rotary! We couldn't be happier to present two prestigous awards to three very deserving individuals. On the left, Past President Betsy Roberts presented Susan Banks, owner of Faith and Begorra, with the Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award. Susan's contributions to the community are way too numerous to list here, but if you know Denville, you know Susan Banks!
On the right, Vicki Harrison and Brigitte Carucci, owners of Two Girls Media, were presented with our coveted Claude Dickerson Award which is given only during the first five years of membership to an individual (or team) who has made exemplary contributions to the community and exemplifies the ideals of Rotary. Just like Susan, their contributions are great and too numerous to list here, but if you know Denville, you know Vicki and Brigitte! Presented by past recipeint Diane Grabowski.